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About White Cloud Oy
White Cloud Oy (previously known as White Cloud Productions) is a media production company located in Finland. We have offices in Helsinki Region, Tampere Region and Lapland, but we serve all around the world.
Due to our compact size and passionate team, we can provide highest-quality productions with competitive pricing.
In addition to complete video productions, we provide editing / post-production, material conversion, aerial videos, 3D architectural visualization services, sound services plus a lot more.
Our clients include i.e.
HUS, Suomen Asuntomessut, Supercell Oy, Rovio Entertainment Ltd, Nokia Oyj, Kärcher, Warner Music Finland, A-Lehdet / Tuulilasi, Travel Channel, Vakuutuskeskus, Mestaritoiminta, Traficom, Tuusulan kunta, Mäntsälän kunta, Järvenpään kaupunki, Kustannusosakeyhtiö Otava, Ohoi Creative, KLOK Creative Agency, AC-Sanafor Oy etc.
We have also created music videos for Saara Aalto, Teemu Roivainen, Antti Tuisku, Erin and Wellu Rowaltz.

White Cloud Photography
We also do commercial automotive photography, high-end real estate photography, fashion and editorial photography and many other genres.
We've creating a new portfolio webpage for photography, stay tuned for updates!